Vienna Film Awards: Cultivating creativity in the heart of Austria.

At Vienna Film Awards, we’re devoted to inspiring and supporting independent filmmakers across the globe. We believe that the cinematic art form presents the unique opportunity to tell stories that can impact people and truly change the world. As a cultural hub of Europe, we believe Vienna is the most fitting location to nurture a dynamic culture of quality independent filmmaking. At VFA, we have a strong appetite for a plethora of films across different genres, from features and short films, to documentaries, animations, and everything in between.

By fostering a welcoming and exciting environment, VFA helps to promote independent filmmakers by providing valuable opportunities to create connections with industry professionals within the ever-growing global independent film community. Through the hosting of a variety of awards, interviews, and Q&A sessions, aspiring independent filmmakers receive the chance to proliferate ideas, collaborate, and inspire one another across cultural lines. Each winner of a VFA will have unique networking booklets created for them, allowing industry professionals to easily contact them and establish long-lasting professional relationships. Additionally, winners will receive trophies and customized certificates, adding to the comprehensive experience of a premiere film festival.

But VFA isn’t just for those within the industry. As cinephiles ourselves, we welcome everyone from students to fellow film enthusiasts. Our goal is to form a strong nucleus of cinematic creatives and admirers right in the heart of Vienna.